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Managing Users and Security


This document covers the basics of defining security for your system. You can use user security to define users roles, limit access to important or confidential information or simply remove functionality for users. Configuration Views:82

Rating:Not Rated

Company Settings / Company Options


Overview of the company options page. Configuration Views:70

Rating:Not Rated

Welcome to Next Era Office


This is a first time help topic shown when users register a new account with Next Era Office. Getting Started Views:233

Rating:Not Rated

Template Placeholders


Placeholders are used to enter information into reports, notifications, order templates, document templates, quick reply messages and other similar auto-generated records. Templates Views:103

Rating:Not Rated

Contact Requests Interface


Introductory Views:36

Rating:Not Rated



Introductory Views:2

Rating:Not Rated

Employee Management


Introductory Views:47

Rating:Not Rated

Public Page URLs


Introductory Views:47

Rating:Not Rated

Automated Messages


You can use the Automated Messages to customize the messages that are sent based on certain events Templates Views:72

Rating:Not Rated

Referral Codes


Other Views:2

Rating:Not Rated

Importing your data


Data Management Views:4

Rating:Not Rated

Order Types


An order type can be something such as an Invoice, Quote, Estimate, or whatever you want to call them. You can create any number of different order types. You can also use these to better track various sale types, or customize the appearance of the document you create. Customization Views:58

Rating:Not Rated

Report Templates


You can use report templates to create basically any type of report you would like for a variety of record types within Next Era Office. Customization Views:63

Rating:Not Rated

Setting Up Client Scheduling


This topic covers the steps needed to setup online client scheduling options within Next Era Office.

Getting Started Views:84

Rating:Not Rated

Working with Taxes


You may simply enter either a dollar amount or a percentage for the Total Tax while creating orders, or you can use our various tax options to help track various taxes you company may collect or owe. Getting Started Views:56

Rating:Not Rated

Record Flags


You can use record flags to create custom flags that will be displayed on the top of the view page for your records. Customization Views:2

Rating:Not Rated

Mailing Lists and Signup Forms


You can use mailing lists to allow people to sign up for emails or text messages that your company sends out. You can then create sign up forms to allow people to sign up for your mailing lists. Configuration Views:50

Rating:Not Rated

Company Divisions and Departments


You can use the company divisions and departments features to better organize or control access to various information by assigning users to different departments or divisions within your origination. Configuration Views:39

Rating:Not Rated

Employee Kiosk


The Employee Kiosk allows quick access using a PIN to timekeeping functions for your employees. Introductory Views:61

Rating:Not Rated