Template Placeholders

Placeholders are used to enter information into reports, notifications, order templates, document templates, quick reply messages and other similar auto-generated records.  

You can use value placeholders to auto-populate information into various documents, reports or messages at the time it is being created. This is useful for using a template but then adding information related to the particular record you are working with to it.

Formatting Values

You can apply text formatting if you want to the placeholder, but you must apply it to the entire placeholder, not just the name within the special characters that surround the placeholder.

You may choose to format placeholders by adding a format string to the value.  

For example, if you were to use the following:

You will get a result that looks similar to:

If you were to use the following:

You will get results similar to:
  12,345.00  or   0.25

You can use most standard (.Net) number, text and date formatting, however you should generate a test record to verify the output is what you expect.

Totals and Averages

When creating reports, you can get the total or average value for various placeholders to use on your report.  

  • Numeric fields allow:
    • SUM
    • MIN
    • MAX
    • AVG
    • SPAN
    • COUNT

  • Date fields allow:
    • MIN
    • MAX
    • SPAN
    • COUNT

  • Text fields will only allow you to use COUNT

To access these values, you will want to take the placeholder, and add the function you want to use, along with an equals sign (=) before the name of the placeholder, but still within the placeholders surrounding brackets.  

For example, if you created a report for employees that listed all of the assets assigned to them and you wanted to get the sum of all assets, you would want to use:


Other notes on usage:
  • You cannot use placeholders in title fields or some subject fields.
  • Placeholders are not case sensitive, you may type them in any case and the case does not affect the case of the value entered.
  • If you enter a placeholder but has no value, the placeholder will be removed from the text.
  • Any item that starts with {% and ends with %} may be mistaken as a placeholder and will most likely be removed.

Business Related Values
These values will populate with the information associated to your company and are available pretty much anywhere placeholders are allowed.
  • {%BusinessName%}
  • {%BusinessMailingAddress%}
  • {%BusinessMailingCity%}
  • {%BusinessMailingState%}
  • {%BusinessMailingZip%}
  • {%BusinessBillingAddress%}
  • {%BusinessBillingCity%}
  • {%BusinessBillingState%}
  • {%BusinessBillingZip%}
  • {%BusinessPhone%}
  • {%BusinessBillingEmail%}
  • {%BusinessTaxExemptID%}
  • {%BusinessTaxID%}
  • {%BusinessFax%}
  • {%BusinessCountry%}

Other Constant Values

These values are also available basically anywhere placeholders are allowed. 
  • {%Now%} - Used to get the current date and time

Document Related Values

These values are related to a document when you are using the document creation template, or referencing a document within a report.
  • {%ItemID%} - Unique item id number of the document.
  • {%Title%} - What you entered as the 'Title' to the document record
  • {%Date%} - Date the document was created in the system.

Ledger Values

These values will populate with the information from your budget account ledgers.
  • {%ID%}
  • {%Category%}
  • {%DatePaid%}
  • {%Income%}
  • {%Expense%}
  • {%BudgetAccount%}

Client Company Related Values

These values will populate with the information from the company related to the record you are working with.
  • {%CompanyName%}
  • {%CompanyAddress%}
  • {%CompanyCity%}
  • {%CompanyState%}
  • {%CompanyZip%}
  • {%CompanyPhone%}
  • {%CompanyEmail%}
  • {%CompanyURL%}

Client Related Values

These values will populate with the information from the client related to the record you are working with.
  • {%ClientName%}
  • {%ClientAddress%}
  • {%ClientCity%}
  • {%ClientState%}
  • {%ClientZip%}
  • {%ClientCountry%}
  • {%ClientPhone%}
  • {%ClientEmail%}
  • {%ClientTaxExemptId%}
  • {%ClientResellerBracket%}
  • {%Photo%}
  • {%Category%}
  • {%DOB%}
  • {%LastContacted%}
  • {%DateCreated%}

Notes:  If a related client does not exist, but a related company does, the above 'Client Related' values will also reference the company information. The only exclusions to this is the [Tax Exempt ID] and the [Reseller Bracket] values, which only exists on the company record.

Employee Related Values

These values will populate with the information from the company user (employee) related to the record you are working with.
  • {%EmployeeName%}
  • {%EmployeePhone%}
  • {%EmployeeCell%}
  • {%DateLastOnline%}
  • {%RequiresTimecards%}
  • {%ShouldSchedule%}
  • {%CurrentIP%}
  • {%Online%}
  • {%EmployeeEmail%}
  • {%CityOfBirth%}
  • {%CountryOfBirth%}
  • {%DOB%}
  • {%EC1Address%}
  • {%EC1City%}
  • {%EC1Country%}
  • {%EC1Zip%}
  • {%EC2Address%}
  • {%EC2City%}
  • {%EC2Country%}
  • {%EC2State%}
  • {%EC2Zip%}
  • {%Contact1Relationship%}
  • {%Contact2Relationship%}
  • {%Contractor%}
  • {%FullTime%}
  • {%JobTitle%}
  • {%MaritialStatus%}
  • {%NextReviewDate%}
  • {%PayChangeDate%}
  • {%HoursWeek%}
  • {%PayRate%}
  • {%Sex%}
  • {%SickAmount%}
  • {%SickTime%}
  • {%VacAmount%}
  • {%VacTime%}
  • {%SSN%}
  • {%USCitizen%}
  • {%WCExpirationDate%}
  • {%WCNumber%}

Task Related Values

These values are specific to tasks.
  • {%TaskName%}
  • {%Description%} 
  • {%Priority%}
  • {%Status%}
  • {%AssignedTo%}
  • {%TaskList%}
  • {%AssignedClientName%}
  • {%ClientCompany%}
  • {%CompletedBy%}
  • {%Complete%}
  • {%SubTaskCount%}
  • {%DateCreated%}
  • {%DueDate%}

Event Related Values

These values are specific to events.
  • {%EventName%}
  • {%StartDate%} 
  • {%EndDate%}
  • {%Description%}
  • {%EventLink%}
  • {%RegisterLink%}
  • {%AllowGuests%}
  • {%Repeats%}
  • {%NextSchedulingDate%}
  • {%Location%}
  • {%MaxAttendies%}
  • {%MaxGuests%}
  • {%EventOwner%}
  • {%AssignedTo%}
  • {%IsPublic%}

Scheduling Related Values

These values are specific to scheduling requests.
  • {%ScheduledChoice%}
  • {%ScheduledDate%} 
  • {%ScheduledOffice%}
  • {%ScheduledTime%}
  • {%RescheduleLink%}

Product Issues Related Values

These values are specific to product issues. 
  • {%%}  = Issue Number
  • {%Type%} = Issue Type
  • {%Details%} = Issue Details
  • {%Priority%} = Issue Priority
  • {%Product%} = Related Product Name
  • {%Category%} = Product Category
  • {%RefNumber%} = Issue Reference Number

Project Related Values

These values are specific to projects. 
  • {%ProjectName%}
  • {%ProjectNumber%}
  • {%Description%}
  • {%Category%}
  • {%StartDate%}
  • {%DueDate%}
  • {%ProjectOwner%}
  • {%Status%}
  • {%RelatedClient%}
  • {%RelatedCompany%}
  • {%CreatedBy%}
  • {%EnableTimekeeping%}
  • {%EnableIssueTracking%}
  • {%DateCreated%}

Product Order Related Values

These values are specific to product order documents. You can use these for generating product order PDFs.
  • {%OrderNumber%}
  • {%OrderType%} 
  • {%HeaderImage%} 
  • {%DateCreated%}
  • {%DueDate%}
  • {%RefNumber%}
  • {%Terms%}
  • {%AmountDue%}
  • {%TotalCost%}
  • {%TotalDiscount%}
  • {%BusinessName%}
  • {%BusinessAddress%}
  • {%BusinessCity%}
  • {%BusinessState%}
  • {%BusinessZip%}
  • {%OrderNotes%}

Asset Related Values

These values are specific to product order documents. You can use these for generating product order PDFs.
  • {%AssetType%}
  • {%AssetValue%} 
  • {%AssetPrice%} 
  • {%AssetLastAssessedDate%} 
  • {%AssetLastInspectionDate%} 
  • {%AssetLastServiceDate%} 
  • {%AssetDescription%} 
  • {%AssetAssignedTo%} 
  • {%AssetManager%} 
  • {%AssetNextCertDate%} 
  • {%AssetNextInspectionDate%} 
  • {%AssetNextServiceDate%} 
  • {%AssetSerialNumber%} 
  • {%AssetEndOfLifeDate%} 
  • {%AssetLocation%} 

Custom Field Values

Records that allow you to add custom fields can also be used in most templates. In order to use a custom field, you will use the custom field name, minus any spaces, as the name of your placeholder. For example, if you had a custom field called 'Custom Vendor ID' and you wanted to include it in your report, you would use the placeholder {%CustomVendorID%}.

Not Rated  